User Dashboard


Number of sightings

Counts by latitude for species and projects


Locations of your surveys

Animal observations

This is where you can enter newly collected data for the project selected above

What type of data do you want to upload today?

Select file to upload new data to your project

Since you are using a demonstration of the tools available at Companion Animal Tools you probably don't yet have an account to record and visualize your data. No problem. Click the button below to upload some new data that you just received for your project.

Below you will see basic checks for errors of your new data. These checks ensure the data are free of common errors, are correct and accurate. When working with your own data, you would want to make any changes to your data prior to adding them to the permanent records.

Your data looks great so your data has been added to your database. You can now revisit the Dashboard to see the overview of your projects and select individual projects to view the data.

Initial checks of your data for common errors

Does your data match the template?


Important notes:


See your results below

Average counts for each transect

The panel on the top is the average count of animals organized left-to-right from highest to lowest. But we might expect to count more animals on longer transect routes or where there is more effort (e.g. camera traps that are deployed for longer than others, more traps out to capture animals in one area compared to another, etc.). The panel on the bottom is the same count data after dividing by the route length and so represents the average count of animals per kilometer of survey length. The transects are ordered the same in both panels so note any discrepancy between the height of the bars between the two panels. The panel on the bottom is probably a better index of the true relative abundance because it controls for effort. These are the insights you get when you are able to view your data to see patterns, conduct calculations, and use statistics to turn your data into knowledge, and knowledge into impact.

Advanced analysis

Advanced analysis

Companion Animal Tools allows users have access to advanced data visualization and analysis tools to better explain the location and abundance of campanion animals and the relationships to your on-the-ground interventions, socio-economic patterns across their study area, and the local environment. Fully displaying these patterns and using advanced analysis to diagnose these relationships requires working with experts in statistical analysis. Users of Companion Animal Tools have direct access to these experts who would love to help you better understand your data so you can turn your data into knowledge, and knowledge into impact.

Click here to schedule an appointment with our experts or learn more about their expertise!